
Friday, April 24, 2015

Birthday stress, gaining weight and empty wallets

Jep, it's almost May. The month of the empty wallet...The down side of being so close with your family? All the birthdays! Not talking about all the parties. Those are fun. But the gifts are a hell.

If you are a bit like me, you'll love giving presents. The thing is, that I want to give great presents. Not stupid ones, great ones. In order to do that, you need to think. Think about the person. What they love and what suits them. The worst thing to do is to give someone a pressent that they don't like. I mean how many times have you received a gift, and said thanks.... But all you can think is; WTF is this? or Why would you give me this? And can I eat it? By giving an awesome gift you'll avoid an awkward thanks... 

It just takes some time to figure it all out. And I am running out of time. Ha, as always. Not a real planning person I guess. Note to self; Make a list or calender please! 

April 30 my aunt, May 3rd dad, May 4th brother, 8th niece, 10th Mother's Day, 12th another niece, 16th my mom. And wait... there is a baby on its way. And it's due in May. Just thinking about it gives me stress. Birthday stress.    

Ok! Just get on with it. Hmm... I think that I can't look in my wallet after this month. It is too painfull.
Yes, the empty wallet of June and maybe also July. Well, as long everyone else is happy, right?
On the brighter side. In return you'll get cake. Lots and lots of cake. NICE!

It will all work out. June and July are empty wallet months. And I will have gained weight from all the cake in May. Which means I have no money to spend on fun things. Leaves me with a lot of time to work out. To sweat off all those cakes. Running doesn't cost you any money. And the weather in June is great for outside running. It will work out just fine. 

empty wallet

Friday, April 17, 2015

Biggest tumor in a humanbody: Money and Power

It is sickening me how everything in this world is all about money and power. It has always been like that and it probably won't change. Money and power are tumors, and the danger of it is that it can be lethal to others around you but more important it can be lethal to yourself.

Those two things can make people insane. When you realize that no person is completely selfless, you realize this tumor will never go away. Religion, healthcare, wars, governments, organisations, companies, charities; all about money or power or both.

Last week I was talking with a friend about the meaning of friendship. And why people are friends in the first place. It all turned out to the question: Whats in it for me? What do I gain from this friendship?

Maybe this is the reason why I don't have a lot of ambition and maybe this is why I am not looking forward to a great career. I don't want to play this game of money and power. I don't want to intentionally screw over people over and over. I don't want to drive myself insane with things that don't even matter that much.

Jup, maybe trying to get powerful and rich is the worst decision everrr.  Maybe it's better to be in the middle class.At least then you don't have to deal with all those backstabbing bitches, or maybe not that much.

So when people ask me what I want to achieve in life, this is my answer:
Living life avoiding big bumps and heavy life changers. Just as a "normal" person. Fitting in the system. Being selfish by doing the things you like and taking care for you and your family first. Trying to eat, sleep and having a roof above your head, with occasionally a trip, to see more of the world.

Is it that bad to live your life that way? Is it so bad to have that little ambition?
Is it that bad look out for yourself first? Really.....?!?

Life without bumps

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

If traveling was free....

Recently I had to interview this lovely person. She mentioned the fact that she loves traveling. And that she had recently posted a quote on her facebook;
"If traveling was free, you would never see me again..."
At first I was like "DUHH same here!". But then again,, 

Why is that second part of the sentence you'd never see me again? Why not travel together, who doesn't like to travel?? I think it's because most people don't travel to just see the world. Traveljunkies(that's what I call them for now) aren't just traveling to explore the world. What they like to do, is to run away from their home crowed... I think exploring yourself is somehow an urge for a lot of people, and it's best to do it alone.

Few weeks ago I read that every great story always exists out of 3 parts:

1st The call, the call to adventure.
2nd The battle, the conflict in life, with a rebirth as a reward.
3rd The elixer, sharing your insights, experiences and happiness to take on in your normal life. 

Every story begins with a wakeup call. A major issue in life that calls for a change. (the call)
With the intention to search for the meaning of life and exploring yourself, therefore you must face your fears. (the battle)
When you return home, you'll be able to help others. For example by sharing your story. (the elixer)

The second part, the battle, is moment when people start traveling. Maybe this "magic" story formula the reflection of a human life cycle. That's why those stories are so likeable, it is equal to our feelings. It is the perception of what we want in our life. 

What would my life look like if traveling was free?
I'd probably be in an other country at least every other weekend. But most people that I know also love traveling so I wouldn't be alone. And to be honest, yes, if traveling was free I would also travel by myself. If it wasn't clear yet, I too am in this battle fase at least the beginning of this fase. I would consider myself as a beginning traveljunkie, love to explore but not yet addicted (enough).

Traveling, exploring
